Pallets Wanted

01685 843926

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Old Highways Depot, CF81 9QZ

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Pallets Wanted

Example of pallets wanted

We’re always on the lookout for unwanted pallets and have arrangements with many businesses to clear their unwanted/unused pallets. You too can sell your pallets, make money and free up much needed space by giving us a quick call.

At our manufacturing facility in South Wales we can fully recondition old pallets so they become completely reusable, reducing the need for the manufacturing of new pallets which require new timber.

As pallet recycling is something we passionately believe in we will pay you for your unwanted pallets, whether they are in perfect condition or not. Mainly, the pallets wanted by us are of industry standard size (1200 x 1000 4 way pallets, 1200 x 800 Euros pallet) however, we are still interested in hearing from you if you have pallets outside the standard measurements.

How many pallets can you take off us?

The amount of pallets wanted by us limitless, we will collect as many pallets as you need us to, in whatever condition. If you need us to regularly visit your site to clear large amounts of pallets, get in touch to discuss the best day and time.

Why do you want my old pallets?

We are passionate about reducing rising landfill levels and reducing the amount of trees being cut down for the manufacturing of new pallets. If we can convince more people to recycle their unwanted pallets, we can significantly reduce the amount of landfill waste and save more trees at the same time. When we collect your pallets, we will grade them to determine whether they are recyclable. If not, the waste wood can be recycled and used for other products, such as pet sawdust.

How much will you pay me?

We have no fixed fee per pallet, if you are interested and would like sell your pallets give us a call for a custom quote. In order to get the most accurate quote possible, make sure you have the pallet sizes, quantities and condition to hand.

To find out how much you could make on all of your unwanted pallets, get in touch.

Enquire Now

Please use the online form on the right to send us your enquiries, or alternatively call us on 01685  843926.